Hello, while I’m on it today, there is another app I finished but that’s a piece from work. We wanted a way to control Ventuz on a Mobile device for things like colour corrections in…
Hello there, I’ve had busy evenings getting my first Android app going. I bought a “Olympus Air one” a while ago, but never have been satisfied with the factory app. I was missing time-lapse and…
Hey, just found another one I’ve been working on for liga 01. I rigged the 5 eyed monster in this spot. The eyes where a challenge as the corner didn’t close in the middle of…
Finally Woodblock released this little piece I helped doing over a year ago. I was responsible for some cloth simulation especially the caressing sleve at the end ;). Rendered with Arnold
Hey there, finally got a new Showreel online. and the shotbreakedown
Hello, recently I wanted to convert a scene we did at aixsponza to redshift. It’s a big city scene with 8k textures and stuff, so pretty big and an ideal candidate for a stress test….
Hey there, just installed Houdini apprentice, and watched my first tutorial. I now consider myself a Houdini apprentice 🙂 I very much like what I saw there and It’s not as complicated as I imagined….
Hey, been doing a little Test on Redshift with a scene from an old job, done in Vray. original job here Render-times are pretty impressive. average of 5 min on my Gtx 580 3gb. I…
hey, updated the cf save plugin to vers1.7. Moved the version to the beginning of the file name. This way you can write different names int the”SceneName”(optional) field to make notes to the changes of…
Hey there, while quite frequently using the ‘ice port explorer’ of Ciaran Moloney I wanted to get faster acess to some nodes I very often use like ‘get data’, ‘set data’ and so on. so…